About Me
Hello and nice to meet you all.
My name is Calvin Kim.

I was born in South Korea and immigrated to the US in 1992. When I was in my 20’s with larger-than-life expectations in my heart to live in the wealthiest and the most powerful country on the planet.
The reality was quite different from what I envisioned and learning a new language at such an age wasn’t an easy task at all. Thankfully, I was able to manage and achieved a B.A. degree as well as several licenses after graduating. In the past, I was a real estate agent, a financial advisor, manager of a big restaurant, owner of an import/export business, etc.
As time went on, my interests grew for something else. All my life, I have had a love for Mother Nature and animals. Also, I always wondered and was fascinated about metaphysical energies such as spirits, entities, magick, and psychic abilities which lead me to meditate on a daily basis for years.
I guess we all have our own life purpose for this incarnation and I hope everyone finds his/ her divine purpose and lives his/ her life to the fullest. In my case, I found out that my true purpose is to become an Energy Worker/Healer and to spread much Love, Healing, and Light to the world. Through years of meditation and emotional healing, I was given authority over Dark Entities by God and granted the ability to banish, remove, and command them to destruction, clearing them from properties, people, and animals. I also guide human souls, attached to humans and properties, to crossover.
I cannot say that this is an easy path to take, to tell you the truth, but I certainly am honored and deeply appreciate the fact that I am able to work with the Divine Source Energy of the Universe and be able to help others. I am quite sure that I will learn and acquire more and more abilities in the future, but for now, I am concentrating on providing dark entity(demon) clearings, Soul Passing Over, and Clearing Geopathic stress for as many people as I possibly can to better their lives and to help find more Peace, Love, and Light within them.