Field of white flowers by a tree trunk.

Are You Curious About Becoming a Demon Killer?

I am being asked by quite a few people these days stating that they are interested in the training program to become a Demon Killer. It isn’t something that can be learned but the ability has to be given to you by God. One needs to be given complete authority and dominion over Demons. I can ask the Universe whether he or she can be given such ability and if the answer is a “YES” then I can transfer the energy acting as an attorney between that person and the Universe. 

I always tell whoever is interested in becoming a Demon Killer to think deep and think very deep again and again as there is no going back once he/she chooses to walk this path and there are good reasons to reconsider. This is extremely difficult, dangerous, and risky work. One might think that once the authority is given he/she will have the power to get rid of demons with ease and he/she will not be attacked by demons but that isn’t the case. 

Some get mad at me for not helping them do what I do but that is solely because I know too well from my own experiences what it is like to take this position. Once you become a Demon Killer you are also becoming a Major Target to Demons and they will attack you day and night for God knows how long and you have to go through all the torture, pain, and negative experiences. You have to build yourself up energetically to a certain level for the demons to attack you less and less. Remember, you will be on your own to do that. God may give you the power over demons but God doesn’t protect you from demon attacks. This is the most difficult part where you have to endure and carry positive thoughts and energy until you grow stronger as you work. 

Many Healers out there claim that they can clear demons but that isn’t true at all. Just because one works with Light does NOT mean he/she can destroy demons. This is a very specific area and authority needs to be given very specifically. This is why many of my clients come to me after seeing other healers, anywhere from a few to over 100 others, telling me that none worked for them. I am not trying to brag but only stating that Demon Killing is a very specific area. So when you are considering working with a Healer related to demon attachments you might want to ask the Healer if he/she was given proper authority from God. 

When I first became a Demon Killer I spent more than 100 thousand dollars just getting myself cleared because the attacks were way too severe and intense for me to clear on my own. This means anyone who decides to take this path has the potential to end up spending a lot of money on clearing him/herself of demons. Most of those who have taken this path give up within a year or two. Now you have to think, if you give up and no longer kill demons will that stop demons from attacking you? The answer is a big “NO”. This is why I tell those who want to do what I do to think deep and think deep again and again. 

As of 2021, it is my sixth year being a Demon Killer & Soul Healer and I am still under a lot of attacks. Every time an order comes in or a client contacts me I get attacked by their demons as they don’t want to be destroyed. Demons attack me at other seemingly random times too. I have gone through a few surgeries due to demonic attacks and experienced many other issues. This path should never be taken lightly so think carefully before asking me to help you become a Demon Killer. Once receiving the Authority, YOU will be solely responsible for everything that happens to you forever. 

If you are still interested in becoming a Demon killer after reading this, then you may contact me for further information.