Hands holding a lit candle.

Can All Healers Clear, Kill, and Destroy Demons?

More than 95 percent of my clients come to me after working with many other Healers. Some came after working with 4 to 6 other Healers, others after seeing 10s of other Healers, and a few found me after seeing more than 100 other Healers.

I do not mention this to brag or show off but as a way to inform you of the fact that in order to deal with Demons, one needs to be given the ability and specific title from God. Different people have different talents that God gave them.  To clear Demons one needs to be given the title “Demon Killer” and the Authority over Demons and Dominion over Demons and that is what I was given together with the title “Soul Healer”. 

So, if you want to save some time, energy, and money, you may want to ask the Healer about the abilities he/she was given. Healers work with Light so they do have more strength than average people when dealing with Demons. They may have the power to push demons out of you but might not completely clear them. Most of the time when demons are pulled off or pushed out of the person, they just return on the person quite immediately. Of course, new attachments can occur immediately but this isn’t the same as the old ones coming right back to you.