Demons are a type of entity that have negative intentions toward Mankind. They were here before the human race and their goal is to make humans destroy themselves and take over this 3rd-dimensional world. From my experience, about 90% of all human beings have demon attachments, either on the physical body or any of the 10 energy bodies that we humans have. They can also attach themselves to property, objects, pets, thought forms, emotions, and life issue areas (financial, relationship, etc.). There are many negative effects that demons can bring into our lives, such as sleeplessness, creating illness, worsening existing health problems, bringing bad luck, causing accidents, creating quarrels between humans, draining our energy, and causing chaos.
When there are demon attachments, they can cause many different symptoms on the body. I would like to share these common symptoms so you can detect if demons are influencing your life, maybe without you even knowing it. Small symptoms to more serious ones can occur depending on how the demons are affecting us. They can attack you by attaching directly to you or can indirectly affect you by using other sources as hosts. These are all true symptoms that my clients and I have experienced during the past several years being a Demon Killer. I will be listing more symptoms through the next several postings.
Demons can give us nasty headaches. Most people don’t think of demons first as a cause, so they try to cure it by taking pain medications that we can buy over the counter. But if you are suddenly getting a headache without relevant reasons you should consider attachments. Human bodies are not made to have aches and pains without apparent reason.
Abdominal Discomfort:
Indigestion, bubbly/gassy stomach, bloating, acid reflux issues, difficulty swallowing, feeling nauseous, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. By attaching to our stomachs, large and small intestines, gallbladder, and pyloric muscles demons can cause any of the above symptoms mentioned. If you are having acid reflux problems and taking acid pills that don’t help much, then you probably have attachments.
If you are having pain on different parts of your body and you can’t seem to remember how you got hurt or don’t understand why, this could very well be acts of demons. Pains like stinging on the skin, deeper pains as if something is stabbing you with a sharp tool, muscle aches, back pain, shoulder pain, pain in the fingers, toes, and heels, etc.
All of a sudden you experience difficulty falling asleep, waking up several times a night, having terrible nightmares, sleep paralysis, feeling like someone or something is watching you. In serious cases beds are shaken, tapping noises on walls are heard, and strong vibration on the floor can be felt. When demons are attached to your bed, bedroom, or your sleep area, taking sleep aids such as melatonin cannot really help you fall asleep, sleep throughout the night, or have a good deep sleep.
Demons can create all sorts of illnesses, diseases, and wounds as well as worsen any existing health issues you already have. When you are sick and your body doesn’t seem to get better even though you are being treated by a doctor or taking medication, you should consider possible demon attachments and have a Demon Killer or a Healer give you a scan to see if there are any attachments.
Example1: I had a client (she was a healthy woman) for whom I found many demons attached to her breasts and asked her to see a doctor. She was surprised to find out through a mammogram that there was cancer growing on one of her breasts. It was an early find so she was able to completely cure the issue and thanked me for warning her. All medical treatments work much better and faster without demon attachments, so it is very important that you get rid of those as soon as possible to help your body recover quicker.
Example2: I had a client who requested a scan due to feeling tired all the time. I scanned and found a few scattered attachments, but for some reason, there were more than 30 attachments on her left knee. I informed her of the findings and asked if her left knee is ok. She was really surprised, asking “how did I know?”, as she told me about the knee surgery she had many years ago and that she was still having constant pain in that knee. She was pleasantly surprised and worried about the demon attachments and asked me to clear them for her. After the clearing she said she has more energy, feels lighter, and a lot of the pain on her left knee is gone.
Symptoms of Life Issue Areas
There are numerous life issue areas in Human lives such as Relationship areas (between lovers, family members, friends, customers…etc), Financial condition area, Health condition area, Spiritual condition area, Diseases condition area…etc. When there are attachments in relationship areas, people go through arguments, fights, and betrayals. These can start a chain reaction where the arguments create negative energies attracting and pulling other negative energies to the people involved. The buildup of negative energies manifests in unwanted results. It can also affect businesses leading to lower sales volume.
Demon attachments within or around the Financial condition area block your finances making it difficult for you to generate income or save funds. Unexpected, unnecessary expenses may occur.